Hazel Green, KY

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another beautiful day for working! We have continued getting to know the families whose homes we are working on. One of the painting sites has a family with a young boy and they also provide care for several other kids so our JHYG kids have enjoyed spending some of their time playing games and loving on those kids. The students have been pleasantly surprised at how much the families open up and share about their lives and we have been blessed by hearing from them.

We appreciate your prayers and feel God's presence and working in our team. I have been personally blessed to see the unity among our students and to see the new friendships being built.

Please pray for our students as they are challenged in their spiritual walks this week that it will be lasting and that their hearts will be molded to be more like Christ.

Please pray for the weather the remainder of the week, there has been forecasts of scattered thunderstorms for Thursday and Friday.

Pray for opportunities for our team to be a blessing in the lives of our families.

Pray for continued flexibility from our team students and leaders as it is a necessity in this sort of a setting.


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Test said...

Make sure they know we are praying for them!


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